SEEDS-BLOOPER: Chapter 5: Mandi and Dev'in in the Pit


Chapter 5
Mandi and Dev'in in the Pit

Dev’in sat back, admiring his circle of stones.

"Seventy-eight in all, and when combined using the magic of the void, you restore the light of creation that was shattered so long ago," he said to himself. He glanced over to an empty spot in the circle. "It should have been such a simple thing, but the water tribe was lost to us and with them their mastery of the seas. Soon, that too will be solved, my love."

But I am not doing this for myself.

A door opened at the far end, allowing torchlight to enter the dirt walled chamber which was little more then a ditch filled with a pool of black liquid in which he sat. Mandi walked in, her energy and vibrance a stark contrast to the gloomy surroundings or the coarse hooded robe she wore.

"Hey father," she greeted as she stepped down into the tar, the flesh on her legs bubbling from the touch of it. "I like what you’ve done to the place. All we need is a nice ominous bass-choir to sing in the background and complete the ambiance."

"Why are you here?" he asked without raising his dull eyes.

"A new warship has just been commissioned, the SS Resolute, and they will need a new..." With a squeak Mandi slipped on a stone, and fell facelong into the pool of black tar that filled the room. For a moment all was silent, the ripples in the black mass receding. Then Mandi broke to the surface, gasping for air.

"BY THE GODS!" she yelled, her arms flailed about, splashing "I can't see! It's in my eyes!" Mandi hacked and coughed, vainly trying to to spit out the black ooze, only to have more drip down her face and into her mouth.

"It seems that years of assassin training were wasted on my daughter," Dev'in said mirthfully, swirling his aged fingers about in the liquid.

"Don't just stand there like a bunch of idiots!" Mandi, screamed, trying to pull thick strands of tar-covered hair out of her face "Get in here and help me!"

"Okay, cut scene," the director called out, disheartened.

Two crew workers put down their microphones and jumped into the pit, sloshing their way over to Mandi and helping her to her feet again. Her robes dripped heavily, her entire person was so dyed black that she seemed to be a silhouette.

"It's in my hair, it's is my ears," Mandi complained, stamping her foot down like a child and shaking her oozy fingers.

"We're gonna' need a clean-up crew in here," the director beckoned wearily.

"I don't think we have enough paper towels for this," the production assistant called to the director.

"It's only like six inches deep," Dev'in remarked detachedly, a smile appearing on his lips. "Aren't you supposed to be like, a ninja?"

"Shut up you stupid old man!" Mandi yelled.