Chapter 8 Evere and Jacques at the Umor Guild Docks
"Your message promised a pledge and you will show it to me now," Jaques ordered with a think smile on his black lips. They were lead down into the hold to examine the rows of crates meticulously ordered and lined. Captain Evere walked the men along the rows, boasting of the quality of the spice contained in the crates. Captain Evere stopped at the end of one row, before several crates of brandy, and addressed the men.
"I have brought nearly twice the traditional amounts," Evere explained. "The excess you may consider a gift. A reparation for old times and old wounds long past."
Jacques snorted and stepped up to Evere. "Some wounds never heal," he said, tapping a dirty finger against the captain’s black eyeball.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Evere screamed and doubled over in pain. His hands came up and covered his eyes.
"Oh, oh my gosh, did I hurt you?" Jacques asked, biting his fingers in concern.
"You poked me in the eye!" Evere hollered, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Oh, oh, I'm so sorry," Jacques apologized, hands trembling. "They told me it wouldn't hurt you."
"Why would you do that?" Evere yelled, stamping his feet.
"I was just following the script," Jacques said angrily, flailing his arms about.
"Just kidding!" Evere said with a smile, standing up.
"Th-that was a joke?" Jacques stammered.
"CUT CUT," the director yelled, irritated.
"I thought I had really hurt you," Jacques said, relieved as he wiped his nose. Evere swooped his arm around dramatically as if waving the edges of an opera cape.
"Genius!" Jacques praised.
"Thank you!”